Artist Statement

As an artist, I use art as filter – a series of creative steps that I take in exploring the world that I live in and the constant motion taking place in it. The distortion of narrative images plays a large role in my two dimensional work. These distorted representations of personal experiences bring to life the ever-changing energy that composes everything and everyone. Recently, my works have been predominately charcoal or pastel based two-dimensional pieces in which I manipulate the drawing surface and utilize mark making to investigate the changes in the world mentioned above. My goal as artists is to represent and absorb the world in which I live in and share with others my interpretation of it through the creation of art. To me, art is life and life is art – and they work together in telling a story that has no beginning or end and a sense of timelessness is set into place when creating it.

Letter of Intent for MCAD Application

Minneapolis College of Art and Design
2501 Stevens Avenue
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404
 (612) 874 - 3700

Hannah Chang Schroeder
2423 Oxford St. N
Roseville, Minnesota 55113
(651) 278 - 2024

Letter of Intent                                                                                                            6/4/2011

I intend on attending Minneapolis College of Art and Design starting in the fall of 2011.  I have been an artist for my entire life and for me, art brings meaning to my life.  Without art life still holds meaning, but not nearly as much as when art is present.  I took a one-year hiatus from art when I was extremely sick in the later part of 2010 and that was the worst period of my life. Not creating art for an artist is like not using when you are a drug addict.  I think that drugs and creating art hold many similarities in the matter that you get a high when you are on it / creating it and then when you look back at what you have done you see things in a different sense; sometimes you like what you see and sometimes you don’t.  All art is not good art, all art is not quality art, but in the end it is all art and life is art.  There is no person anywhere on this earth that can pin point the definition of art.  I think that most, most, things in this world hold beauty and to me that is art.  Whether that be a painting made by a prestigious artist, a leaf flying in the air or a woman from the South belting a hymn in a Cathedral, it is all art in my eyes and it is all beautiful and unique!

While attending MCAD I want to receive a BFA in Sculpture.  I am very passionate about the works in which I invest my time and love into.  When I create something I put my mind, body and soul into the piece.  There are NO half-assing things for me when it comes to creating art.  Maybe if I had a math class or something I might not study for a test – but I will always put 100% into an art project, always! To me, the art that we create in our lives is an extension of our being.  Kind of like a child in that sense. IT was here when you were here on earth and it (most likely) will be here for many years after you pass.  This art will be viewed by many people in many places and interpreted in many different ways. That is the beauty of art; it IS in the eye of the beholder!

My goal as an artist is to interpret the world I live in through my art and represent my personal interpretation of everything going on around me. I want people to feel something while viewing or participating in my art.  I believe that it is very possible, and easy for that matter, for everyone that is alive to view art, and quality art! All they have to do is try. I will say that it is easier for some people to view art (people that live in a big city, like Minneapolis), but if you want to see quality art, you can, and will.  My goal as an artist is to make my art and the art of my friends very open and accessible to many people.  I want to educate people about art so they know what they are looking at and know the historical references that influenced me while creating it!

In 5 years I want to complete graduate school and start up a Co-Op Art gallery, again.  While living and studying in Menomonie, WI, I started a Co-Op art Gallery called Gallery 111. I was the president and there were 9 other students that helped me operate the gallery. Menomonie was a town that REALLY was in need of some exposure to the arts, and that is what we gave them.  The only problem is that when we started it everyone only had one year left of school so when we all dipped out of town, the gallery ended.  BUT it was one of most rewarding and educational things I have ever participated in.

So whoever is reading this, I hope it finds you well. I also hope that you enjoy the artworks in my portfolio. If you have any questions, any, don’t hesitate to ask!

-Hannah Chang Schroeder
“Put out love and they’ll feel love, it’s a chain reaction” –Cloud Cult